Call today to make an appointment
McClusky Clinic
Harvey Clinic
Harvey Boarding Facility
Both clinics are mixed animal practice that cover a broad area of veterinary medicine.
We have large animal facilities that allow for horses, individual & small groups of livestock.
Shockwave therapy
Certified Chiropractics
Stud semen collection and evaluation
Breeding/artificially inseminating mares
Chiropractic, acupuncture, electric stimulation
Ultrasounding-gestational and diagnostic
Prepurchase Exam
Lameness exams
CR radiography
Surgery-including cryptorchid castration
Dental work
Diagnostic blood work-complete blood count & chemistry panel
Health exams, coggins testing, vaccination
Health certificates and brand releases
Emergency care
~ We have facilities to hospitalize horses at both clinics for illness/injury
or for fertility work-ups.
~ IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING AN EMERGENCY, please call either clinic
for the after-hour veterinary numbers.
Fertility testing
Lameness exams
Pregnancy checking/ultrasounding
Obstetrics-pulling calves, Cesaring, prolapses
Diagnostic work-up
Herd health-Bruc.
Vaccinating, dehorning, castrating/banding, branding, etc
Emergency care
~ Both clinics are fully equipped with hydraulic chutes, surgerical chutes, alleys, and
pens that allow us to work on larger groups or individual animals.
~ Along with being able to do large animal care in the clinic, we also offer the option
of making farm calls for larger herds or emergency cases that are unable to travel.
~ IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING AN EMERGENCY, please call either clinic
for the after-hour veterinary numbers.
Companion Animals
Certified Chiropractics
Internal medicine work-up
Elective surgeries-spay and neuters, declaws
Surgery-for diagnostic and curative
Orthopedic surgery
Chiropractic and accupuncture
Health exams & vaccinations
CR radiography
~ IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING AN EMERGENCY, please call either clinic
for the after-hour veterinary numbers.